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The year2017

Railway Power Engineers, graduates of the Rostov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (RIIZHT)The RGUPS founded a unaited for the development of environmentally friendly energy and ecology on railways.


A service was created for combining green energy sources and monitoring emissions around railway transport, and a service for involving waste in secondary circulation and resource conservation in railway transport.


The year2021


R C T I C 1520

 Has started to develop green corridors in Arctik on track 1520.

Our Pre-history

Energy railway faculty. 1930, Rostov-on-Don. 

 1930  the Faculty of Power Engineering was founded, including the training of heating engineers and locomotive traction.

Laboratory of fuel and lubricants.

 1945  After Great Patriotic War, the rebirth of the Faculty of Energy, with the development of the main directions preserved to the present: "Energy Supply", "Electric railways" and "Thermal Power Engineering".



The Faculty has developed and implemented ecological laboratory wagons on all 16 railways of Russia, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.
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Development and implementation of cryogenic technologies, including the use, of storage and transportation of Liquefied natural Gas LNG by rail.

We have combined all the projects. for the sake of one goal:

"GREEN development of the ARCTIC"

UNITES theARCTIC inside and outside.


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R C T I C 1520

Consortium for Multimodal Low-carbon Transportation


R C T I C 1520

M a n a g e m e n t      o r g a n i z a t i o n

Pre-history united

At the end of 2023, the company DP WORLD established a company to develop the Arctic Sea Route, including it in transit chains. The company DP WORLD owns 78 terminals in more than 30 countries around the world.

Our task is to become a reliable partner and use the opportunities that DP WORLD opens up to all the world's content, not only for transit through the Arctic, but also to reveal the potential of the Arctic through the transport arteries of the world.


Green electricity

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CO2 neutral cargo 

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Industrial zero waste

The formation of low-carbon transport in the Arctic, based on railways.

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